
R&D 과제

Waste Gas & Water Treatment
작성자인플러스| 작성일2015-09-24| 조회수2,723
첨부파일 A.-켄텍-회사소개서PPT-(최종)-2015-08.25.pptx (11.7M, 390회)
Waste Gas Treatment

- Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer(RTO)
- Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer(RCO)
- Self Ignition Thermal Oxidizer(SITO)
- Catalytic Oxidizer(CTO)
- Vapor Combustion Unit(VRU)
- SCR De-NOx System
- Activated Carbon Adsorber
- Scrubber & Absorber

Waste Water Treatment

- Evaporated & Regenerative Waste Water Incineration System (ERWWIS)

Maintenance & Repair Work

- Maintenance, Repair and Operation work for waste gas and water treatment system
- Revamping and capacity-up work of waste gas treatment system

Environmental & Energy Consulting

-Optimization for exhaust duct and flowrate
- Recovery and reuse for waste heat
- Investigation and verifying for exhaust gas flowrate and concentration
- Economic feasibility for equipment change
- Diagnosis for VOC treatment system
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